Shambo got 6th place on Survivor: Samoa.
For those of you who don't remember, this is Shambo. She was on
Survivor: Samoa the preview for Survivor: Heroes Vs. Villains. I have a lot to say about Shambo, some good, some bad. But one thing is for sure, she was entertaining.
The second Shambo stepped on to the Samoan beach, everyone knew she would be a hoot. While many on her tribe didn't like her, she was definitely fun to watch. I mean, who doesn't look at a train wreck when they drive by? The first thing that Shambo did was ALMOST become leader of her tribe. Fortunately for them, they picked the other Russell, and he made all the right choices.
In episode 2, Shambo's tribe won the reward of fishing gear. This is great, they will be literally eating fish all of the time. This wasn't the case, as Shambo lost the mouthpiece on her first trip out with the fishing gear. It was all Ok, though, as Shambo reported one amazing thing about the ocean: There are fish. This, of course, leads to one of the best confessionals of the season:
That's right folks, I can use gifs now. I could even embed a video of the confessional. But I couldn't find one. I'm just soooo technologically savvy.
This is Laura saying "You'll never believe it, there's FISH in the ocean!"
One of my favorite things about Survivor is when they use another contestant to point out someone's stupidity. They really are masters of that. Even if they don't know how to edit a season, they will never outdo themselves on some of these wonderful little moments.
However, Shambo's ridiculousness doesn't stop there. She is basically crazy the entire season. The next thing that Shambo does is ruin Survivor: Samoa. She gets on Russell's good side and swings the votes his way come the merge. Shambo is so upset with her Galu tribe, that she hands the game to the hobbit from Houston and his little minion gang. I wouldn't necessarily say that I would call this "entertaining" as much as I would "influential." Without Shambo, Survivor: Samoa is a completely different game. Maybe (hopefully) Dave Ball wins. Maybe it's Laura. But what I can say is that it would be different. It would probably even change the course of Survivor history. Or as Russell would say "his-tree".
To be honest, however, Shambo's post-merge game isn't terribly executed. She doesn't expose herself on the first vote (Erik). She doesn't expose herself on the second vote (She knew Russell would use the idol, so she voted for him), and when she exposes herself on the third vote (Laura), everyone is more mad at John because he was the one who flopped in the tiebreaker. By the time her tribe has a beef with Shambo, Russell has the numbers and can do whatever he wants with the game. So, of course, he decides to screw it up and cost himself a million dollars. But that is besides the point. The truth is that Shambo played a pretty good (But not flawless) post-merge game for those 3 rounds, which is really all she needed until the final 6. She wasn't making the decisions, no. But she was conspiring with Russell to make sure that her subversive activities were vieled enough to get her alliance the majority. For that, I give her credit. Now let's talk about Dave Ball.
For some reason, Shambo always had a beef with Dave Ball. Few people had beefs with Dave Ball. In fact, in the his-tree of the world, only one person may have ever been mad at Dave Ball, and that would be Shambo. Dave Ball is an awesome guy. He is (in my opinion) one of the funniest people to ever play Survivor. How could anyone possibly hate Dave Ball? Well, Shambo believes in dream interpretation, that's how.
It's scenes like this that show me that Survivor's editors really do know what they are doing. They simply choose to do the opposite of what they were taught. The Shambo-dream sequence was incredibly well done. Here is a play-by-play of what happened:
Basically, Shambo was cooking her beloved chickens. Dave came up and informed her that cooking a chicken for 2 hours is a really good way to make penny loafers, but not a good way to make edible food. Shambo basically said "I'm really pissed off right now, so shut up." Now, any smart person knows that Dave was correct. Cooking anything but a pot roast for two hours is usually a death sentence. But Shambo was shaken up. So shaken up, in fact, that she got a vision from God that Dave was voted out the next night. Of course that means that God has called upon Shambo to carry out his will of Dave going home. Russell didn't quite agree. And as we all know, Russell's job is to shit on anyone else's good strategies. Shambo's strategy, albeit oddly derived, wasn't a bad idea. Dave was likeable, Dave was good in challenges. Dave was a threat to win the game (my opinion). But Russell can't have someone else calling the shots. Dear God, that's almost like what's going to happen to him a few months later! (Or a few days, as the jury calls the shots, a concept which he never really understood). So Russell took Shambo's idea, took a crap on it, and handed it back to her. The vote was 7-2 to get rid of John. Shambo voted for Dave.
Shambo's jury speech is the last reason that I am writing this post.
First, she calls Mick's game "feckless," which Mick has to look up. That's humorous, but it's nothing compared to what she says to Natalie. "I'm thinking of a word that starts with 'c', can you finish it?"
Now, at this point, everyone in America is thinking the same word. I won't say it here, because this is a public blog that my mom can access, but we all know what is going to come out of Shambo's mouth....
Then she says "Coattails" and everyone in America breathes a sigh of relief.
This is just one of the humorous moments that Survivor (in my mind) has become known for. I suppose what is happening here is that I'm trying to grasp onto anything in an otherwise terrible season that I find enjoyable. If the Survivor editors had given Survivor: Samoa a chance, it really could have been a great season. There are glimpses of brilliance within it, but they just had to focus so much on Russell that it really didn't do justice to the other 19 people on the island.
Ok, rant over. What I'm saying is that you should give Survivor Samoa another chance and look for these little moments that still make it what Survivor is all about.
Anyway, thanks for reading, please rate and comment.