Friday, March 8, 2013

Welcome Back to Jeff's Survivor Blog

Hello everybody! I'm back.

As many of you may know, my blog was on hiatus for a while so that I could work on that thing called a job. But, once again, Survivor proves its importance in my life as I miss the blog quite a bit. Since going on hiatus, I have become to co-host of David and Jeff's Survivor Podcast, as well as an Apprentice Podcast that is yet to be named. It's been really fun and I hope that we can talk about the blog a little on the podcast.

If you are new to this blog, I am currently working on a list of the 100 Most Entertaining Survivors. I'm currently working on the entry for #77.

Please puruse, comment, rate and do all of those fun things. Here is a list of the top 100 so far:

#100: Ian Rosenberger
#99: Stephen Fishbach
#98: Terry Dietz
#97: Crystal Cox
#96: Jeff Varner
#95: David Murphy
#94: Gary Hogeboom
#93: Boo Bernix
#92: Paschal English
#91: Christy Smith
#90: Ozzy Lusth (South Pacific)
#89: Sugar Kiper (Gabon)
#88: Sierra Reed
#87: Rodger Bingham
#86: Yul Kwon
#85: Ami Cusak (Vanuatu)
#84: Rory Freeman
#83: Dave Cruser and Sherea Lloyd
#82: Jud "Fabio" Birza
#81: Stephanie LaGrossa (Palau)
#80: Stacey Powell
#79: Clay Jordan
#78: Ethan Zohn (Africa)

Thanks for stopping by the blog. Make sure to leave a comment, rate a post, or disagree completely with me.


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