Saturday, March 9, 2013

100 Most Entertaining Survivors #77: Jason Siska

Jason Siska got 8th place on season sixteen of Survivor. (Survivor: Fans vs. Favorites)

For those of you who don't remember, this is Jason. He is famous for two things on Survivor. One is being a complete idiot. The other is being a complete idiot again. We will talk about said instances chronologically.

The first instance of Jason's idiocy was sparked by Ozzy. Ozzy had been to exile island and had found the Hidden Immunity Idol within about 7 seconds. Because fake idols were the order of the day in season 16, Ozzy had to try out his hand with them. Unlike his successor, Bob, Ozzy's fake idol was.... sub-par to say the least. It looked like this:

Yes, it looked like a stick that got dented when someone dropped it. Of course no one would be fooled by this piece. Of course, as soon as every audience member was thinking that, they saw this:

Jason, exclaiming in joy that he had found the Hidden Immunity Idol. This joy was accompanied with the realization that CBS must have cut Survivor's budget. But he didn't mind, he was safe in the game.

The story doesn't end there, however. As Jason had an ally named Eliza. Eliza is quite a prudent, observant Survivor player. Of course she wouldn't fall for this ruse. Right? Right?

Right. Eliza knew that it was "just a f***ing stick." She made sure Jason knew too. The best part of this whole thing isn't Eliza's new catch phrase. It's Jason's reaction. His indignancy throughout the whole process makes Eliza believe that he is trying to (unsuccessfully) dupe her. No, Eliza, he really is just that daft.

Jason's idiocy, in this instance, didn't cause someone to directly be voted out. Eliza would have gone home with or without a stick. The other thing he is known for, however, did cause in his direct exit.

It was episode 10 of Survivor: Fans Vs. Favorites. The season was good, pretty good actually. But it was about to become great. The immunity challenge was the cliche'd "put your hand over your head for a few hours. Maybe there will be food." Jason and Parvati were the final 2 when Jeff Probst brings out a huge plate of food. The caveat? Someone would have to drop in order for everyone to get the food. The deals start flying. By the end of it, Jason has gotten everyone on the tribe to agree that should he be the one to drop, they wouldn't vote him out. He drops, Parvati gets immunity, and they gorge on candy.

Jason, knowing that no one in Survivor would ever break their word ever, is completely safe. Right? Right?

Right. Ozzy was voted off because of Jason's dumb move. Right? Wrong. Ozzy was voted off because Parvati decided Ozzy should be voted off. In fact, she made it quite clear in a confessional that Ozzy's vote off had NOTHING to do with Jason, but rather with the fact that she wanted Ozzy gone (idol in pocket).

So while that "dumb" move didn't cause Jason to be voted out, it did pave the way for his exit the next episode. Since Ozzy was out of the game, the idol was rehidden. During the auction, Natalie sent Jason to Exile Island. She knew that he would find the idol (which he did) but she wanted him to trust her. And what fun was this game if the person going home doesn't have an idol? I mean, come on.

When Jason gets back from Exile, he is mad at Natalie because he wanted food. She explains to him that he had the f***ing idol and that he should stop being a little b***h. Or maybe she said it nicer than that. Anyway, he now feels comfortable because Natalie likes him, the tribe didn't vote him out last night, and he has an idol. What could go wrong?

Jason loses immunity, and is planning on playing his idol. Until his best friend (spoiler alert: not best friend) tells him that the tribe is planning on voting for James. Oh! Happy Happy Joy Joy. Jason now has a spot in the final 7 with a Hidden Immunity Idol. It almost seems like poetic justice that Jason was voted out with an idol in pocket while attempting to vote James Clement out, a man who was famous for being voted out with an idol in pocket.

All of this lengthly discussion has been a roundabout way to show that for those 3 episodes, Jason Siska was the focus of my attention. He provided us with enough laughs and eye-rolls to last an entire season. It is why he is one of the 100 most entertaining Survivors of all time. It is also why, if I ever go on Survivor, I will never make a deal with Natalie Bolton.

Thanks for reading, please rate and comment.


Clue to #76: This person seems to love fish. And Russell Hantz.


  1. It's not like I'm an English major or anything... jeez. What did you notice?

    (Note: I am an English Major)
